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"Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden"

June 26, 2021

Solo Exhibition of Lisa Eikrann

Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden - Flyer Vorderseite 副本.JPG

Sculptures by Lisa Eikrann

Artworks by Lisa Eikrann












"Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden" Exhibition and Opening Views


Lisa Eikrann


Lisa Eikrann has been working as an artist and scenographer for 15 years. After her set designer study at the Academy for Stage Art at the University of Østfold, the Oslo National Academy of the Arts and the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHDK, she came to Switzerland in 2014.


In 2016 she received the focus award of the Kunsthaus Glarus for her installation “Ich”.

Lisa is interested in the meeting of people and architecture. She works conceptually and abstractly with objects and room installations that are related to the experience and the ego of the viewer.



2006-2009 BA Scenography at the Academy for Stage Art / University in Østfold

2008-2009 Oslo National Academy of the Arts

2007-2008 Fine arts, at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHDK

2004-2006 Design preparatory course, Asker Art School Norway

2003-2004 Art and Design College. Architecture and design

1999-2002 Gymnasium, Norway. Specialization in economics, media science


Exhibitions (Selection)

2020 “Das Wir” #coronakunstglarus, Güterschuppen, Glarus.

2020 “Mitten in der Welt bist du”, Glarner Kantonalbank, Glarus

2018 “Sich” begehbare Skulptur, Jungkunst 18, Winterthur

2018 “Kabinett der Du”, Prix Lignum Project Presentation and traveling exhibition

2017 “Kabinett der Du” Fokus Preis, walk-in sculpture, Kunsthaus Glarus

2016 “Der Ich” Kunstschaffen Glarus und Linthgebiet, walk-in sculpture, Kunsthaus Glarus

2015 “Monolog” ZwischenSaison, walk-in sculpture, with Sandro Steger, Fabrikgarten, Glarus

2014 “Dystophia” Kunstschaffen Glarus und Linthgebiet, sculpture, Kunsthaus Glarus

2010 “Nationalismus”, VEKA Glarus, Schweiz

2010 “In the day of the triffids” multimedia dance performance, with Birgitte Eriksson, Galleri 11, Oslo

2009 ”Dissolve Borders” dance performance “The metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, with Birgitte Eriksson, The

          National Academy of the Arts, Oslo

2008 “After Image” Installation, Interaktive Skulptur, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

2008 “Under ground religion” performance, with Electronic Arts, Die Nationaltheater Station, Oslo



2020 Swisslos Kulturfonds, Kanton Glarus, Work contribution

2020 Swisslos Kulturfonds, Kanton Glarus, Project grant

2017 Swisslos Kulturfonds, Kanton Glarus, Project grant

2016 Award "Fokuspreis", Kunsthaus Glarus, Switzerland

2012 Kulturløftet, Project grant, (national), Norway

2012 Cultural grant, (regional), Norway

Antonio Wehrli Art Space  |   Impressum​   |   © All Rights Reserved

Antonio Wehrli Art Space

Freibergstrasse 2

8762 Schwanden GL

Glarus, Switzerland

Die Kunst Galerie im Glarnerland

Kunst in Glarus

Email: info(at)

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