Life seems to be rushing by sometimes. My last two months certainly felt that way.
„Offline“ kept me busy. Writing a blog and sending out emails to you and the world have had to make space for „real life“. But writing a Blog or reading an email is real life too! Not writing for almost two months might be just a bit too long.
But writing is like painting, in the wrong mood, no useful line will be accomplished, no brushstroke will look harmonious.
Today, I will not try to write a beautiful email, but to just state the events that had prevented me from writing to you earlier. Each would have been a good email on its own...
My last email on March 12 was about the commentary of me in Kuangzhai Xiangzi that Chengdu TV did in collaboration with other TV stations. You can see it now with subtitles on youtube:
On March 16, almost 50 artists and I had an exhibition at „Boke Xiao Chen“, located at Luodai anciant town along the „31st Chengdu International Peach Blossom Festival”. I exhibited artworks created in ink on paper since it was an ink artwork and calligraphy exhibition:

On March 17, Gael de Kerguenec, Changzi Hui and I exhibited at Polus International Tourist Resort Museum.
Here, I exhibited some larger abstract “Gravity” artworks and combinations of photography and Gravity.

On March 20, I attended the grand opening of a new building at XLY MoMA. A spectacular event and a fantastic addition to the museum premises. Currently colored bronze sculptures by Xu Liaoyuan are on display.

A woman in a pink leather dress sits on a colored bronze sofa

The task that kept me really, really busy was co-organizing the “Western China Medical & Dental Mission 2017” by Shanghai GuoFeng Charity Foundation, HEWRAG Health Education and Wellness Rotarian Action Group and Rotary Club of Chengdu.

Even here, I got the chance to create some art – besides the photography that accompanies me on all my travels. Here a picture of a calligraphy that I did for my friend at Gaohe, Qionglai, Sichuan:

Just before the actual Medical Mission had started, I presented two calligraphies to “The good people of Longquan in 2016”, a ceremony that Longquan Government wants to implement yearly to value the people that did something extraordinary in their community. (Longquan is part of Chengdu and located in the East).

At the Rotary Club of Chengdu Annual Gala Dinner on April 8, my print “Lianhua 6“ and an original Acrylic on Canvas “Gravity CD54A” were auctioned for Charity:

On April 15, I co-organized a Fashion Show of Contemporary Clothes with a traditional touch designed by „San Cun“ at WM Gallery.

This week on April 27, my Solo Exhibition „Romantic View on China“ will open at the Shangri-La hotel Chengdu.

It feels like I am just throwing information about myself at you. I am sorry that the world of blogging is still very new to me and I have to get used to it and establish a better flow of entries and their length.
Thank you for experiencing it with me!
I would really appreciate your input for future blog posts! Do you have an art related topic that you would like me to write about? What would you prefer to read more or less of?
Have a wonderful week!